2017029 Free State TSA Series
11th Apr, 2017 - Good morning all players Due to wet courts, the finals and 3/4 play offs for the FS TSA Series tournament will start not before 9:30.
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
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Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
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Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
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XD GoldTennis (Doubles) Unpublished
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XD 16 GoldTennis (Doubles) Unpublished
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XD 14 GoldTennis (Doubles) Unpublished
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No reason why the start cannot be 08h00. Starting at 09h00 is too late! GS12 draw confusing and unfair since 7 qualifiers included in top half of draw and only 1 in bottom half. Gaining entry into University was not a pleasant experience due to attitude of security. Consider providing a disk to put in window to make access easier / less explaining necessary. Practice courts in the morning should be freely available to all on a first come basis rather than certain academies having exclusive rights to courts.



Due to rain there could have been more matches on day 1. A 08:30 start will also have helped.

Good experience!!!


Poor/no communication regarding the new qualifying format. Wild cards... Lucky losers etc. This might have been a TSA issue? Not enough officials, and not enforcing rules. Racket/ball abuse, verbal screaming matches @ u/12 level mad it very unpleasant and not a nice sporting experience for young kids....


How do you determine the qualifier winner and Runner up?


Having looked at extended weather forecast before the tournament it showed that there was a lot of rain expected in Bloemfontein. With this in mind, I think the starting time on the first day should have been revised and they should have started earlier, and ended later. more matches could have been put on,0 n the first day, as they were finished by lunch time with their singles!! Mixed doubles were cancelled due to a whole day rained out and another half day...so kids just sat around....times should have been revised!Many parents/coaches were willing to start earlier anyhway!


Can't blame any one for the weather but we don't seem to learn something from it. When the weather is good, we must try to push more matches; obviously without compromising player health. It appears the first day is not very full.

Huge accolades must go to the Organisers of this tournament - to still manage to get results with 2x days lost due to rain is an "organising"- achievement!! Well done and thanks for the effective way this tournament was managed. !!


Ek het slegs 3 wedstryde die hele toernooi gespeel. Ek het 2 byes gehad en my laaste game was op een of ander manier ook 'n bye. Ons woon in die Karoo en ry ver en betaal baie geld vir die gastehuis ens. Dit is amper nie die moeite en geld werd as ek net 3 wedstryde speel nie.


Main draw should be bigger with only 2 qualifying rounds (not 4)
Communication regarding rain delays could be better
Matches should only go in if courts are dry - one of my son's matches went on while it was raining and court and especially lines were very wet which could have caused injury
Would have preferred normal sets and not short sets in back draw of main draw
Communication regarding rain delays could be better
Matches should only go in if courts are dry - one of my son's matches went on while it was raining and court and especially lines were very wet which could have caused injury
Would have preferred normal sets and not short sets in back draw of main draw

Skep meer tyd deur 8u soggens te begin. Verloor onnodig tyd deur laat te begin.
Die officials by die 0/12 bane (UVS) is onbevoeg om die werk te doen.
Toeskouers moet beter beheer word by wedstryde. (ook die officials se verantwoordelikheid), bv maats wat teen die drade sit en skree vir een speler.
Verkorte wedstrydformaat, is onbevredigend...meer tyd kan geskep word deur vroeer te begin en later aan te hou. Die weervoorspelling moet in ag geneem word by die beplanning van die toernooi.
Die officials by die 0/12 bane (UVS) is onbevoeg om die werk te doen.
Toeskouers moet beter beheer word by wedstryde. (ook die officials se verantwoordelikheid), bv maats wat teen die drade sit en skree vir een speler.
Verkorte wedstrydformaat, is onbevredigend...meer tyd kan geskep word deur vroeer te begin en later aan te hou. Die weervoorspelling moet in ag geneem word by die beplanning van die toernooi.

Thanks for a really well-run tournament. It is a pleasure to support these events, especially when you have travelled from far.

Where & When
Thu, Apr 6th 2017
Tue, Apr 11th 2017
Tennis (Doubles)
Thu, Apr 6th 2017 1:00pm Closed -
Tennis (Singles)
Thu, Jan 1st 1970 5:00am Closed
Free State Tennis Stadium
Att Horrak StreetBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State
South Africa
Eunice High School
Eunic )
3 Jock Meiring StBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
University of the Free State
205 Nelson Mandela Dr.Park West
Bloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
Grey College High
Jock Meiring StBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
Oranje Meisies Hoër
99 Aliwal StArboretum
Bloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
Oud Studente Tennis
Nobel StreetBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
St Michaels High
ST )
111 Klerck AveBrandwag
Bloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
Universitas Tennis Klub
Mudd )
Jim Fouche driveBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
Mundene Tennis Klub
Mun )
Cnr. of 2nd Ave & Reid StreetBloemfontein, Free State, Mangaung Metro - Bloemfontein, Free State 9301
South Africa
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