2022078 GrowthPoint KZN Super 8
3rd Jul, 2022 - Please note that the u14 girls and boys backdraw matches will be played at Durban Country Club
3rd Jul, 2022 - Please note that if you are coming from North of Durban along the M4, the road is closed this morning from 4am until 11am for a running race. Please use alternative routes.
2nd Jul, 2022 - Please note that ALL Singles Quarter final matches will be played at Westridge. Backdraw Boys u14 will be played at Durban Country Club Backdraw Girls u12 and Girls u14 will be played at Westville Thanks
30th Jun, 2022 - Please note the following GS12 will be played at Cowies Hill Tennis Club GS14 will be played at Westville Tennis Club BS14 will be played at Durban Country Club MS, WS, BS16, GS16, BS12 will be played at Westridge Please note the Women’s and the Girls 16 will start Friday Doubles will start on Friday Many thanks
29th Jun, 2022 - KZN Growthpoint Good Day, Thank you for entering into the KZN Growthpoint. We hope your stay is enjoyable. Please read the information carefully Venues ALL MATCHES WILL BE PLAYED AT WESTRIDGE ON THURSDAY Westridge Tennis Stadium Cowies Hill Tennis Club (Girls 12) Durban Country Club (Boys 14) Westville Tennis Club (Girls 14) Information ALL MATCHES WILL BE PLAYED AT WESTRIDGE ON THURSDAY Play starts at 8:30 on Thursday and…
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Singles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)
Tennis (Doubles)

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa
Stamford Hill
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa
Westville, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 3629
South Africa
Durban 3610
South Africa